Jonathan M. Capozzola, P.E. | S.E.
Partner + Principal Structural Engineer | Richmond Office Manager
From New York to Richmond, Jon brings a wealth of experience to the SMF team. He has managed and designed projects for both private and public clients from conceptual design through construction administration. His focus on project organization and sustainable growth led him to join the leadership team in 2022 as a partner.
Additionally, Jon serves as the office manager in Richmond. He ensures smooth operations while maintaining a collaborative and communicative environment. As a principal engineer, Jon manages the Richmond engineering team while setting goals and strategy, keeping to deadlines and implementation plans, and supporting open communications with clients and vendors.
M.Eng. Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
B.S. Civil & Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Structural Engineers Association of Virginia (SEAVa), Board of Directors
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)