International Women in Engineering Day

June 23, 2024

We're celebrating International Women in Engineering Day with three gifted SMF engineers, getting their insight and advice for the next generation.

In 2024 we can celebrate a world where traditionally male-dominated STEM professions are now welcoming and encouraging women to showcase their talents. International Women in Engineering Day inspires young women to embark on careers in engineering while celebrating the courage and achievements of women engineers.

With the projection of significant growth in STEM job opportunities in the future, it is crucial that skilled women and girls are well-prepared to step into these roles. Speight Marshall Francis proudly employs three exceptionally talented female engineers - Morgan Speight, PE, Jennifer Johnson, PE, and Rachel Johnson, EIT - each bringing their unique perspectives to our diverse range of projects.

Collectively, these remarkable women hold over 16 years of experience with SMF, and we eagerly anticipate witnessing their continued contributions. Their presence on our team fills us with immense pride and enthusiasm.

In honor of International Women in Engineering Day, we asked these exceptional women about the inspiration behind their choice to pursue engineering and to glean insights they would offer to aspiring young women considering a similar path. Swipe to discover their enlightening responses.