Liebherr USA Co. Facility Expansion

Location: Newport News, VA
Square Feet: 243,000
Contractor: W.M. Jordan Co.
Market: Office
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Special Features: BIM
The expansion of Liebherr’s construction equipment manufacturing facility located at 4800 Chestnut Avenue in Newport News encompassed 5 buildings for a total of 243,000 sf on a 31-acre site.

The expansion of Liebherr USA’s Newport News, VA facility included a 90,000 sf high-bay warehouse building which was designed to accommodate two 25-ton future bridge cranes and used a pile-supported structural slab. Design for foundation loads as high as 1,450 psf in areas was required due to the large parts stored within. An 85,000 sf high-bay large mining vehicle maintenance/service building included two 50-ton bridge cranes designed to lift 100 tons in tandem and a 60-foot-long below-grade service bay. Also included in the expansion was a 60,000 sf, four-story headquarters office building, a 6,000 sf wash bay, and a guardhouse.

Awards | 
2020 Merit Award of Excellence in Construction for Commercial Construction $20M+, Associated Builders and Contractors Virginia Chapter

Images courtesy of HBA Architecture & Interior Design.