We regularly use regional Guidelines and Procedures for Special Inspections that apply to the jurisdiction in which a project is located. We are responsible for performing, documenting, managing and coordinating the Special Inspections and the efforts of the various Agents and Building Officials.
At construction onset, we issue a Statement and Schedule of Special Inspections to outline the inspections that will be required and to obtain the Building Permit. We conduct preconstruction meetings to clarify details to all parties involved.
As inspections are completed, we provide copies of reports to the Registered Design Professional (RDP), Owner, Contractor and Building Official. Discrepancies are brought to the attention of the Contractor for correction. We report deviations from the approved Construction Documents to the appropriate RDP of Record for their resolution. Uncorrected work is reported to the Building Official and the appropriate RDP of Record. A Final Report of Special Inspections is issued to outline the dates inspections were performed and to verify that, to the best of our knowledge, work conforms with Contract Drawings and Specifications.